Amazon is increasing its presence for media. New services announced one after another at advertising conference | Business Insider Japan


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  • Amazon’s advertising sales in the US in 2023 are predicted to be approximately 5 trillion yen. Although Alphabet and Meta have a large lead in the digital advertising market, Amazon is expanding its share by developing its own services.
  • Amazon announced updates to its DSP and new Amazon Publisher Cloud service to better support advertisers and media owners.
  • These services aim to emphasize privacy protection and make it easier for advertisers to create effective deals.

In recent years, the rise of e-commerce giant Amazon in the digital advertising space has been one of the more notable aspects of digital media in the United States. The company used the major advertising conference Unboxed on October 25 to tout its accomplishments.

research companyInsider IntelligenceAccording to 2020, global digital advertising spending is expected to exceed $600 billion (approximately 89.455 trillion yen) in 2023, with the market being driven by the three largest companies: Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon. That’s what it means. Of the three companies, Amazon is the only one whose market share has increased in recent months, with Amazon Advertising expected to have US sales of $33.96 billion (approximately 5.63 trillion yen) in 2023. According to Insider Intelligence.

But when you compare Alphabet and Meta’s U.S. sales of $78.86 billion (approximately 11.757 trillion yen) to $51.35 billion (approximately 7.656 trillion yen), the magnitude of the difference becomes clear. However, Amazon executives are hopeful that the gap will narrow to some extent as it rolls out new services in which cloud computing plays a key role.

Amazon announced updates to its DSP, including new cleanroom services for publishers and cross-channel planning tools to expand advertisers’ reach with Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC).


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