Analyzed by the industry’s largest job information site for hairdressers and beauty salons – Current status of staff recruitment and tips for creating recruitment advertisements – WWDJAPAN

Seifert, which operates the industry’s largest recruitment information site for hairdressers and beauty salons, including Request QJ Navi, has continued to address human resources issues in beauty salons for more than 30 years since its founding. “Recruitment has been the industry’s biggest challenge for many years, and the current situation can be summed up in a single word: people are concentrated. Salons that are popular attract people, and salons that aren’t are not crowded at all. Due to the uniqueness of the job of hairdresser, many salons want to hire mid-career stylists who can quickly lead to sales. However, the hurdles for hiring mid-career stylists are high, and the trend of hiring new graduates because they can’t hire mid-career stylists has continued for the past 10 years or so. “Competition for recruitment is becoming increasingly intense,” says Shuji Kashima, Managing Director and General Manager of the 1st Sales Division.

Salons that are popular with new graduates are not the same as salons that are popular with mid-career graduates. “While well-known salons and the best salons in the area are popular among new graduates, the number of mid-career stylists who wish to change jobs to contracted salons with higher pay levels continues to increase.Furthermore, from there, they move to shared salons (rental salons). As a result, many salons are worried that they can no longer hire mid-career workers, even though they used to be able to hire them mid-career. This trend is one reason why an increasing number of companies are opening their own outsourced salons in addition to regular salons. In 2003, we created a category for outsourcing and renting out work in our job information magazine, and at that time there were only about one or two companies listed, but now about half of the stylist recruitment is outsourcing. There is.”

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