Deliver targeted Google ads to foreigners who are “pre-trip” or “on-trip” to Japan![Japanticket]| Food Fun! | FOOD FUN!

May 30, 2024 11:14 am

Developing the e-ticket management system “Japan ticket” for attracting inbound touristsJapanticket(Ebisu, Tokyo, President Hiroaki Tanaka)Google Inbound Ads delivers effective ads targeting foreigners who are considering traveling to Japan.( started offering.

According to a joint survey by Cint Japan and JTB Research & Consulting, approximately 80% of foreign tourists visiting Japan decide their itinerary before the trip, regardless of the length of their trip or the type of travel.In order to be chosen as a destination during travel to Japan, it is important to provide information “before the trip” that is tailored to the characteristics of travelers.It becomes.

In addition, in a survey conducted by Gakken Holdings on how foreign tourists visiting Japan gather information, nearly 90% of respondents answered “web search,” and as of January 2024Google, which has an 81% share of the global search engine market, has a major influence on the itinerary decisions of foreign tourists visiting Japan..

So Japanticket, which provides promotional services for inbound tourists,Google Ads are delivered to targets with a high interest in traveling to Japan, directing them to store coupon pages, store introduction pages, reservation pages, etc.By doing so, they have increased cost-effectiveness and launched a service that helps to efficiently attract inbound tourists.

in particular,“Tabi-Mae” identifies users who are planning a trip to Japan on the Internet and delivers display ads to visitors of specific websites (URLs) that direct them to the company's website.(= Remarketing Ads). With a URL, it is possible to target not only website visitors, but also viewers of specific SNS accounts. At the same time, by delivering display ads tailored to the user's interests, it is said to effectively increase the travel motivation of potential visitors to Japan.

Already in JapanFor tourists visiting Japan during their trips, the language settings of their smartphones are collected and remarketing ads are run in specific languages.We will attract customers to our stores.

It is possible to use this service alone, but in that case, you will need to prepare a landing page (LP) and banner image that supports multiple languages. The usage fee will be proposed according to the period and budget, and as a guideline, the minimum order amount is 290,000 yen (excluding tax) for a three-month contract.



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