Egg Art x Embroidery Work Collaboration Exhibition|TV Wakayama

Egg Art x Embroidery Work Collaboration Exhibition

2022-10-22 (Sat) 19:22

A collaboration exhibition of egg art works that decorate egg shells and embroidery works is being held at a gallery in Wakayama City from today. The collaboration exhibition “Harmony Garden”, which started today at Honmachi Park Gallery in Honmachi, Wakayama City, is about 150 works by embroidery artist Kaori, who was born in Wakayama and lives in Tokyo, and egg art designer Keiko Hideno, who lives in Yokohama. Both of them are displayed, and their delicate expressions bring out the charm of each other’s works. Egg art uses eggs of various sizes and colors and decorations to create jewelry boxes and accessories. On the other hand, Ms. Kaori’s embroidery work uses flowers and plants as motifs and is made with careful techniques based on Japanese embroidery. Kaori says that through this exhibition in Wakayama, she realized once again that the colors and scents of nature in her hometown Wakayama are the roots of her work. In addition, Mr. Hideno said, “Egg art that regenerates things that have lived gives us beauty and healing at the same time. I would like many people to know this charm.” The exhibition is being held at the Honmachi Park Gallery in Wakayama City until the 30th of this month.


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