ITmedia Mobile popular article: Is the ratio of Android smartphones increasing in Japan? (October 8, 2022) | BIGLOBE News

Main smartphone survey in Japan, the United States, and China conducted by MMD Research Institute

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“ITmedia Mobile Weekly Top 10” introduces the top 10 articles by tallying the number of article accesses on ITmedia Mobile in a week. This time, we have summarized and summarized the 7 days from September 29, 2022 to October 5, 2022.
The number one access for this period was an article summarizing the results of the “Comparison Survey of Urban Smartphone Users in Japan, the United States, and China” conducted by MMD Research Institute.
According to this survey, 50.4% of the survey respondents in Japan (557 people) used an Android smartphone as their main smartphone, slightly higher than the iPhone (49.4%). In the past, it was said that the share of the iPhone was high in Japan, but it seems to be a result that suggests that the share of Jiwiwa and Android is increasing.

Looking at the results of this survey in more detail, we can see that there are many users in Japan who use slightly older iPhones. Since iOS has a long update period, the iPhone can be said to be an ideal smartphone for long-term use. —I hear stories like that more and more.
Is it better to use an expensive smartphone for a long time or replace a cheap smartphone every two to three years?
●ITmedia Mobile Weekly Access Top 10
September 29, 2022 – October 5, 2022
1. Main smartphones in Japan and China, Android is more than iPhone, US is the opposite — MMD survey
2. Rakuten Mobile User Points Increased by 3 Times from November Is “Real 0 Yen Operation” Possible?
3. Android version of “Rakuten Pay” supports Visa / Mastercard brand touch payments Requires “Rakuten card” of the same brand
4. What is the difference between docomo, au, Softbank, and Rakuten’s “optical line service”?Benefits and points to note
5. Splatoon’s companion app “Ika Ring 3” supports smartphone widgets
6. Summary of au PAY and Ponta campaigns[October 2nd latest version]Win a total of 1 million Ponta points
7. Rakuten Pay, Rakuten Point Campaign Summary[October 2nd latest version]Get a great deal with maximum full refund
8. What will the Pixel 7/7 Pro change?make predictions based on what is currently known
9. The reason why the “dual screen smartphone” disappeared from the market Looking back on the famous machine that colored the era
10. Easy to understand by arranging the keys in a “horizontal row” —— Google’s Gboard team developed a “stick keyboard” You can make your own


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