[Japan’s No. 1 Marketer Special Lecture]Why You Can Affirm “Advertising is Education!” | Copywriting Technology Encyclopedia | Diamond Online

It has been 25 years since Masanori Kanda, a management consultant, popularized copywriting technology that has been popular in the United States for over 100 years in Japan. The culmination of his work is “Comprehensive copywriting technique ── Principles of words that continue to sell for 100 years“is. President Kinoshita, an active marketer who is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime, said, “3520 yen is like freeA book that boasts about it has become a hot topic.Fully compatible with the smartphone era, surpassing the common sense of conventional copywriting booksthis bookI will extract and introduce the points of.

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Comprehensive Copywriting Techniques]Japan’s leading copywriting expert,The last of Masanori Kanda’s copywriting wise wordsLet’s introduce
This book (“The copywriting’), I want the readers to know the power of words, so before and after reading what they are going to use that power for. And the answer can be found in the words Caples quoted at the end of the book: “Advertising is education.”
When you realize that advertising is a teacher who speaks words to tens of thousands of people, readers will choose words that will become the foundation of a better society while increasing sales for their own company. deaf. At that time, responsive advertising will probably find its true role in the new era, and those words will undoubtedly transform our consciousness.
Reality is created by the words you choose.
Those who know the power of words also bear responsibility as creators.

The copywriting

Compared to copywriting 100 years ago, when sales letters were mailed, the world is now connected online through the Internet, making it possible to instantly and directly deliver messages to people around the world.

and,A new era can be opened up by each and every person who sends a message and speaks words that form the foundation of a better society..

No matter how many years have passed, no matter what eratruthis.

I believe that the true form of copywriting is that you deliver products and services that are useful to everyone and create a better society.

It is the exact opposite of manipulating people with words.Digging up your own true value and communicating it in appropriate wordsI hope

It is up to you to spin copywriting into the next 100 years.

next time,Checkpoints when you feel that there are no good customersLet’s introduce

PS.1.Comprehensive Copywriting TechniquesI explained how to useSeminar videoYou can see
(This video may end without notice)

PS.2.this bookAt the beginning and end of the book, there are four strongest weapons that will dramatically increase your sales…[PMM search sheet][PMM self-check sheet][“BTRNUTSS” headline checker][PASBECONA template]published for the first timeDid.
And this timeAbout[Ad Evaluation Program]patentedDid.

 These four weapons are a condensed version of the wisdom of a quarter century.Immediate effect and reproducibilityis guaranteed.

[Japan's No. 1 Marketer Special Lecture]<br />Reasons for asserting that “Advertising is education!”” src=”https://dol.ismcdn.jp/mwimgs/9/a/1080m/img_9a6275848035bd72b7c179c122d4e9e3969413.jpg” class=”lozad”/></a></div>
<p><span style=(This manuscript was written by Masanori Kanda and Junichi Kinuda, which became a large edition as soon as it was released.Comprehensive copywriting technique ── Principles of words that continue to sell for 100 yearsis an excerpt from


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