LIFE PEPPER, which has over 1,000 overseas marketing support companies, has started handling advertisements and solution menus for Vietnamese people provided by “LocoBee”, a Japanese guide for Vietnamese people.


Accelerating the attraction of Vietnamese inbound customers, which is essential in the post-corona inbound market

LIFE PEPPER Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Presidents: Shigeto Tominaga, Yukihiro Yoshida, Ryo Saito; hereinafter referred to as “LIFE PEPPER”) is IC Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Saito We are pleased to announce that we have started handling and selling advertisements and solution menus for Vietnamese people provided by LocoBee, a Japanese guide for Vietnamese people operated by Ryoji).

■ Background
In October 2022, border measures for accepting foreign tourists visiting Japan were significantly eased, and as a government policy, the annual consumption of foreign tourists visiting Japan was set as a target of over 5 trillion yen. It is expected that further progress will be made. LIFE PEPPER has released various inbound specialized solutions in response to the expansion of inbound due to the relaxation of border measures.

■ About LocoBee
LocoBee is a portal site for Vietnamese people with the No. 1 growth rate of foreigners visiting and residing in Japan, and is a web magazine supported by more than 700,000 Vietnamese people per month, including tourists, international students and workers. Vietnam is experiencing remarkable economic growth and is attracting more and more attention from both inside and outside Japan. LocoBee aims to be a media that serves as a bridge between the needs of companies and local governments and Vietnamese visitors to Japan who want to be active in Japan.

LIFE PEPPER is a strategic partner company for overseas marketing with the mission of 0 Borders ∞ Values ​​based on the experience of supporting over 1,000 overseas marketing companies. In the after-corona world, we feel the possibility that tourists from all over the world will visit Japan again, and we are strengthening the support service menu for inbound visitors to Japan and creating platform services to solve various problems.

■ About the menu we provide
The menu consists of the following 1 to 5. Utilizing the marketing strategy that LIFE PEPPER has cultivated so far and LocoBee, which boasts 1 million PV for Vietnam, we will efficiently provide information to Vietnamese people who are interested in Japan. It can be used for both Vietnamese inbound and Vietnam expansion because it can be used for sending / attracting customers / research.

Digital marketing strategy planning and execution for Vietnam
Tie-up article advertisement by a Vietnamese writer
Marketing using Vietnamese influencers who love Japan
SNS operation and advertisement distribution for Vietnam by LocoBee editorial department
Survey menu for Vietnamese people who like Japan (interviews, web surveys, round-table discussions, etc.)

Contact us from here:

■ Aims and strengths of this plan
Aim 1) I want to send information to Vietnamese tourists visiting Japan, who had a 120% growth rate for five consecutive years until 2019 / I want to attract customers

→ 700,000 Vietnamese people visit every month to see the only media specializing in Japan.
Aim 2) I want to send information to Vietnamese living in Japan, the second largest number of foreigners in Japan / I want to know the actual living situation

→ There are a lot of contents for Vietnamese people living in Japan, and the viewing rate of Vietnamese people living in Japan is high.
Aim 3) I want to make Vietnamese people living in Vietnam aware of our products and services, and I want to encourage them to purchase through EC.

→ 700,000 Vietnamese people visit every month, and it is the only media specializing in Japan, and all the visiting Vietnamese users are interested in Japan.

Contact us from here:

■ Future development
In the future, we will strengthen cooperation not only with LocoBee but also with media companies that disseminate information on Japan, and expand the support menu that is valuable to guests visiting Japan from all over the world and Japanese companies / regions / facilities that welcome them. I will continue.

In addition, regarding this partnership and service release, we will make article content in the “Challenge to 8 billion people in the world” series on the overseas marketing media “Media Globalize” where you can find marketing to win in the world, and also for overseas marketing and inbound visitors to Japan. Scheduled to be distributed live on the related live distribution channel “Overseas Marketing Assemble”.
In addition, we will collaborate with “Media Incubate Academia”, a place of mutual learning that aims to support the founding and growth of 100 companies.

(Reference 1)
Overseas Marketing Specialized Channel “Overseas Marketing Assemble”

(Reference 2)
Media Globalize where you can find marketing that wins in the world:

(Reference 3)
Media Incubate press release list:

■ Company profile
Trade name: LIFE PEPPER Co., Ltd.
Representatives: Representative Directors Shigeto Tominaga, Yukihiro Yoshida, Ryo Saito
Location: Shinto GINZA EAST 6F, 3-1-10 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045
Established: April 2014
contact address:

Company press release details


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