PR TIMES STORY – GX Business for business information in Oita

Recently, we have begun to often see advertisements for birthday celebrations for idols, artists, etc. on the streets and subways.

This is a special culture that originally originated in Korea and is called saengil advertising, and in Japan it is now called push advertising or support advertising.

We have been providing advertising support for over 5 years since we started an advertising agency business specializing in support advertising (senil/support advertising) in December 2018.

In this story, what is a support advertisement (saengil/support advertisement) in the first place?

We would also like to share with you the history of our brand as to why people issue “endorsement ads.”

“Osho advertising” is based on the psychology of support from fans, not for commercial purposes.

In the first place, what is push advertisement (saengil/support advertisement)?These are advertisements placed by fans themselves to support their favorites.

This support culture, which became popular after being triggered by a Korean audition program held around 2016, has spread within South Korea under the name Saengil (birthday) advertising.

Also, after the momentum spread to Japan, it came to be called support advertising in Japan.

Our company has traditionally used the name Senil/support advertisement, but since it is an advertisement placed for Oshi, we will redefine it as “Oshi advertisement” from now on, and in this article we will refer to it as Oshi advertisement (Senil/Support advertisement). I would like to call you.

What is interesting about this form of advertising is that companies usually put out advertisements for commercial purposes, but in this case, they are not for commercial purposes.The psychology of support from fans who say, “I just want to make this favorite famous!” or “I want to do something for my birthday.”The purpose is to advertise in

The understanding of Oshii advertising has improved, and it has spread not only to K-POP but also to various genres.

The following are the types of advertisements:

  • street vision advertising
  • Advertisements on subways, buses, etc.
  • LED truck advertising
  • Cup holder event at cafe
  • SNS advertising

According to fans who actually do push advertising,

“I've been given purpose in life through live performances, so I want to give something back.”

“I just want you to support me and make me more famous.”

I receive many very loving answers.

In addition, an increasing number of artists and idol agencies are showing understanding of this advertising format, and an increasing number of them are establishing advertising guidelines in advance.

Up until now, the focus has been on K-POP idols, but it is gradually spreading to various forms such as J-POP, YouTubers, V Tubers, and live music.

What started as a consultation from a Korean staff member was the original experience of successful advertising at Street Vision in Tokyo.

Our company, which was incorporated in April 2018, was originally engaged in inbound promotion business and had Korean staff.

One day, the Korean staff member

“A friend of mine wants to run an advertisement on the streets of Tokyo to support his favorite idol. Could this company support him?”

was consulted.

“Huh? Individuals put up advertisements simply because they want to support them? Is that even in Japan?”

At that time, we didn't know about Saengil advertising culture and were surprised when we first heard about it.

We then realized that we would like to advertise in Japan, but that we are not making any progress due to the following two issues.

  • Japanese media companies don't understand about Senil advertising, so the story doesn't get across.
  • Due to media company regulations, we cannot do business with overseas companies or individuals.

With the ideas of the staff and acquaintances, we provided intermediary support and succeeded in advertising on the streets of Tokyo.

“I was really in trouble, so thank you for your support!

I was thrilled to be able to convey my feelings through an advertisement for Oshi. ”

Hearing you say that made me very happy and filled with a strange feeling.

What I realized through that original experience

“Supporting others makes both the person supporting and the person being supported happy.”about it.

Thus, in December 2018, we started our business as an advertising agency specializing in support advertising (senil/support advertising).

However, at that time, the pace was approximately one case per month.

The first article I wrote about Oshii Advertising was a huge hit.A shot to save the company from its predicament

One article was a turning point.

In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic hit and we fell into an unprecedented recession.

This happened at a time when our business had suffered major damage and we were thinking about what to do next.

I was just learning web writing, and the theme of my first article was “Senil Advertising.”

The first article I wrote was a huge hit. It's definitely a beginner's luck.

Perhaps due to good timing, it was seen by many people, including being ranked on Hatena Blog, which was popular at the time.

Since then, the number of inquiries has increased rapidly.

This was the first step that saved the company from its predicament.

■Applicable article (Currently rewritten, the content is no longer original.)

Rejected by media companies due to lack of understanding of promotional advertising

However, looking back on those days, it was quite a struggle.

First of all, since Japan did not have a culture of individuals placing advertisements, we were often rejected by media companies.

  • What about copyright?
  • In the first place, we do not do business with individuals.
  • The advertising period is at least 1 month.

I often heard voices of skepticism.

By the way, when it comes to copyright, advertisers must apply for permission from the agency, and we do this thoroughly in the cases we support.

However, because the advertising culture in Japan and Korea is different, it was very difficult to get the idea accepted at first.

Growing popularity of K-POP, new sales method for OOH advertising media suffering from coronavirus pandemic

However, the popularity of K-POP is rapidly increasing, led by BTS.

Gradually, the number of inquiries and cases regarding Senil advertising increased.

On the other hand, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the number of advertisements placed by companies has decreased across the board.

Outdoor advertising (OOH advertising) has decreased considerably compared to the past, and I think media companies are in a difficult situation.

In such a situation, it is speculated that Senil advertising was a ray of hope in the slump of OOH advertising.

Gradually, Japanese media companies have come to understand Oshii advertising (Senil/Support advertising), and an increasing number of media companies have set up special plans (short term and low prices) exclusively for Oshi advertising (Senil/Support advertising).

The “money” barrier that only rich fans or big fandoms can create

However, it is only wealthy fans or those who run large fan groups (commonly known as fandoms) who can pay advertising costs of 100,000 to 300,000 yen on average, and in some cases over 1 million yen. It was limited to members of the department.

I've been involved in this project for over three and a half years, from December 2018 to August 2022, and I felt that it wasn't going to be interesting if things continued as they were.

Isn't there a way for ordinary individuals to advertise their favorite promotions and support?

I've been thinking about that for a long time.

Launched “Sen Irukura Fan” with the aim of democratizing push advertising

Then, in September 2022, with the aim of democratizing push advertising, we launched “Sen Irukura Fan,” a crowdfunding platform specializing in push advertising (senil/support advertising).

■About Saengilkurafan

Projects can be launched for free, anyone can publish the project by writing the details in Google Docs, and you can collect support from a small amount for support advertisements (senil/support advertisements).

With this system of Senilkura Fan, we aim to “make it possible for anyone to do the advertising they want.''

When we launched in September 2022, we received many inquiries from our original customers, and several projects were launched immediately.

The planner only plans and publicizes the recommended advertisement that he/she wants to do.Currently, 100 projects are launched each year.

Some of the projects have exceeded 2.6 million yen, and we have begun to receive many requests from individuals who have recently supported the project to start their own projects.

■Press release regarding Senilkurafan


Because our Senil Crafan is developed in-house, we are able to offer the lowest service fee in the industry* (currently free for campaigns).

*In-house research

We also collaborate with delivery companies to handle everything from project planning to advertising media arrangements, return product provision, and income and expenditure reports.

In other words, all the planners need to do is plan the promotional advertising they want to do and publicize it.

Since our company is originally an agency specializing in push advertising (senil/support advertising), we also have the advantage of being able to easily do this by having a meeting via LINE with a specialist who has knowledge about advertising.

As of December 2023, about 10 new projects have been launched per month, and about 100 projects have been launched in one year.

In a post-event survey, more than 95% of customers expressed satisfaction with the courteousness of the support.

According to our post-event survey, more than 95% of our customers expressed great satisfaction, and the following are the points that most customers are happy about.

  • Anyway kind and polite
  • Support is fast thanks to LINE support
  • Recruiting donations and reporting afterwards has become easier thanks to Senilkurafan.
  • I was also provided with language support such as Korean.
  • I felt safe because they have a rich track record regarding support advertisements (senil/support advertisements).

Up until now, we had been calling for advertisements on sites such as X (formerly Twitter), counting supporters using Google Forms, and managing deposits in individual accounts, which caused problems in terms of protecting personal information and managing deposits and withdrawals. It is said that this often occurred.

We are very grateful for the ability to recruit projects, collect support funds, manage personal information, arrange advertisements, and even submit an income and expenditure report to report that all the money collected has been used for the project. I received many.

Summary of Senil JAPAN’s strengths

The strengths of our company, which currently has a track record of supporting over 2,000 cases, can be summarized as follows.

  • Providing a crowdfunding platform specializing in push advertising
  • Over 500 cases of Oshii advertising-related support per year, with a cumulative support record of over 2,000 cases.
  • A variety of advertising media such as street vision, transportation advertising, and SNS advertising
  • We can also handle advertising media from overseas such as Korea, China, and America.
  • Available in Japanese, Korean, English, and Chinese
  • Advertisement design and video production by professional creators
  • Comfortable communication through LINE

We will continue to work on updating our services in order to make it easier for anyone to do promotional advertising (senil/support advertising).

Reasons for “advertising to Oshii'' revealed by survey results

Now, getting to the main topic, our company, which has supported over 2,000 Oshi ads (Senil/Support ads), has conducted a survey on our opinion on “Why do people place Oshi ads?''.

According to a survey conducted among 117 customers who had previously used promotional advertising (senil/support advertising), we found the following.

Q: Why did you want to advertise your favorites?


  1. “Anyway, I wanted to celebrate my favorite birthday.” – 85 answers
  2. “Anyway, I want you to become famous/Because I want to support you.” – 66 answers
  3. “I want people to watch the ad.” – 39 answers
  4. “It’s fun to feel like everyone is rooting for each other.” – 23 answers
  5. “My friend/colleague said we should go to an event together.” – 12 answers

I think the following fan psychology can be seen from these answers.

  1. Strong feeling of celebration: The largest number of fans answered, “I just wanted to celebrate the idol's birthday.'' This shows that fans want to express their closeness to their idol by celebrating their idol's important personal days and share her happiness.
  2. Awareness of support for idols: The reason often given is “I just want the idol to become famous/I want to support them,'' which shows that fans have a strong desire to support the idol's career and hope for their success. Fans want to raise the profile of their idols and make their achievements widely known.
  3. Community awareness: The answer, “It's fun to feel like we're all rooting for the idol,'' shows that fans value a sense of unity and solidarity as part of a community that shares common interests. By jointly supporting each other, we are deepening connections and empathy among fans.

This is a quantitative survey based on a questionnaire survey, but in order to analyze fan psychology more qualitatively, we conducted interviews with the fandom.

Reasons for advertising on Oshii based on interviews with fandoms

This time, we interviewed people from fandom management companies from the following four groups.

■NCT Yuta Fandom Interview

■ENHYPEN Heeseung Fandom Interview

■INI Shogo Tajima Fandom Interview

■NCT Taeyeon fandom interview

From the above interview, we can see that fandom's love for Oshi begins with being attracted to the artist's talent, performance, and personality.

You can also see that when I was feeling down due to the coronavirus pandemic, the presence of someone who was pushing me forward and pursuing my dreams gave me hope.

The reason for advertising is to express support for the artist, to make more people aware of the artist's existence and talent, to increase the sense of unity among fans, and to show appreciation for the artist. It seems that this is also the purpose.

In fact, it seems that many fans who have received a sense of purpose and fulfillment from their oshis want to express their gratitude to their oshis through advertisements, and through these advertisements, create connections with other oshis. hey.

Psychological elements of push advertising revealed through the “Science of Push”


The Science of “Pushing” What is Projection Science?

Author: Kubo (Kawai) Nankako

This book teaches about “Oshi'' from the perspective of cognitive science.

An excerpt from this book explains why “Oshikatsu'' is so popular, and it states that two brain systems are the reason.

①The joy of others is my joy! “Agent compensation” system

One is the reward system in the brain.

The reward system is an area of ​​the brain associated with pleasure, and is activated when there is a pleasant stimulus or action.

There are various areas involved in the reward system, but there is something called “vicarious reward,'' which allows you to feel pleasure when you observe someone else receiving some kind of reward.

In other words, it is a brain system that works to make “other people's joy become my joy.''

“When someone I support succeeds, I feel happy as if it were my own!”

I think everyone has had such an experience.

In fact, looking at the contents of surveys and fandom interviews, it can be said that a similar phenomenon is occurring.

②Mirror neurons that become self-centered through support

For example, let's say that even if you're not interested in an artist at all, you go to a concert at the invitation of a friend and cheer by waving a penlight like other fans.

If you do that, you'll probably find yourself becoming a fan of that artist in no time.

I think the same thing can be said about watching sports, but for some reason, cheering creates a sense of unity, and even though I wasn't interested at first, I gradually become addicted to it.

There are neurons in the brain that are activated not only when you exercise, but also when you see someone else exercising.

They are called “mirror neurons” because they function like a mirror that reflects the actions of others.

Thanks to these mirror neuron cells, the movements of others are synchronized with your own movements.

In other words, the actions of others, such as “supporting someone's support,” are synchronized with one's own actions in the brain, and a sense of unity is created by performing the same support actions.

From these two brain systems, you can understand why people put out advertisements.

We humans are social animals, and we seek connection somewhere.

This is because “connection” can be said to be the biggest reason for humanity's survival.

When people advertise for their favorites, they can enjoy the success of their favorites as if it were their own.

Also, by running the advertisement with people who share the same passion, it is possible to strengthen the sense of unity.

I believe that advertising to Oshi is a new form of “connection” that we humans have created.

Based on the vision of “Connect through push, connect with push”, we will do our best to make the push advertising that everyone wants to do.

Senil JAPAN information

VISION: Connect through push, connect with push

MISSION: Save humanity with Oshikatsu support

VALUE : Promote Oshikatsu

CONCEPT: Easy advertising for anyone

■Official HP



■X (old Twitter)



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