Privacy Mark Station Advertising Wins Best Category Award in the Media Promotion Division of the “Transportation Advertising Grand Prix 2024”! :Kyodo News PR Wire:Fukushima Minpo Newspaper Co., Ltd.

“If you don’t hide it properly, your personal information will be identified.”

Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Japan Information Technology Promotion Association

Privacy Mark SystemThe Japan Information Technology Promotion Association (JIPDEC), which operates the “Transportation Advertising Grand Prix2024” out of 1,506 entries,Media Promotion Category Best Category Awardwas awarded the following prize.

JIPDEC will continue to provide information that will be useful in establishing an internal system for protecting personal information and raising employee awareness, as well as working to foster understanding of personal information protection through awareness-raising activities in society as a whole.

Summary of the winning advertisement
◎ “Transportation Advertising Grand Prix 2024”Media Promotion Category Best Category Award
◎Title of work: “If you don’t hide it properly, your personal information will be identified.”

Using a quiz on “great historical figures you’d know if you heard them but wouldn’t know if their names were hidden (?),” as the key visual, we hope to convey to business people and many other people the importance of protecting personal information, as well as to make the Privacy Mark more familiar to them.

・Privacy Mark System Website “Special pageClick here

What is the “Transport Advertising Grand Prix 2024”?
This is an advertising award for transit advertising works, sponsored by JR East Japan Planning Co., Ltd. The winners are selected in six categories: Digital Media, Vehicle Media, Station Media, Station Signboard, Spatial Production, and Media Promotion, based on criteria such as works that make the most of the characteristics of transit advertising, works that are highly polished as advertisements, new attempts, and works that have a new perspective.

“Privacy Mark System”
The “Privacy Mark System” is a system that uses a “Privacy Mark” logo to clearly indicate whether companies, organizations (businesses), etc. have appropriate personal information protection systems and operations.
As of July 2024, approximately 17,600 companies have obtained the Privacy Mark. Businesses inform everyone that they handle “personal information” appropriately, and the people working there take a responsible and aware approach.

■ Contact for this matter
Japan Information and Communication Technology Development Association (JIPDEC)
Privacy Mark Promotion Center
Inquiry Form

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