The first Japanese “Golden Buzzer Man” later life | OCEANS | Toyo Keizai Online

“Got Talent” started in 2005 with the idea of ​​British music producer Simon Cowell. The original version has been developed in the United States and other countries, and is currently being broadcast in more than 70 countries around the world (Photo: OCEANS Editorial Department)

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The audition program “Got Talent” has finally started broadcasting in Japan.

And the main character of this time, Keiichi Iwasaki, was the first Japanese to win the Golden Buzzer in the original “Britain’s Got Talent”.

Keiichi Iwasaki●Born in 1972, from Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture. Since leaving Japan at the age of 28, he has not returned to Japan for 21 years and is wandering around the world. He makes a living by performing street performances and travels only by human power. He has visited over 60 countries. He won the Golden Buzzer at ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ in May 2022 and is currently crossing the Atlantic in a rowboat.Check Twitter for progress(Photo: OCEANS Editorial Department)

This article is provided by “OCEANS”.The original article ishere

What he performed in front of the judges and audience was magic using a ring, but Mr. Iwasaki’s main occupation is a traveler. Since leaving Japan at the age of 29, he has never returned to Japan. Now, at the age of 50, he is crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat.

What kind of life have you lived? Just before the departure, I hit Mr. Iwasaki who was in Portugal.

“Hitchhiking” that I chose after seeing Denpa Shonen’s Saruiwaseki

Mr. Iwasaki continues to travel even at the age of 50. There are so many things I would like to ask, but first, I asked him to look back on the origins of his journey.

“When I was 21, I visited a high school classmate who lived in Australia. That was my first time abroad. I was shocked that I couldn’t understand the English I was taught at all.

In addition, the city structure is completely different from Japan, and the direction in which the car runs is also different. Being born and raised in Gunma, it was a shock to me that everything was so different. This is interesting! So I decided to travel the world someday.”


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