The late Kishin Shinoyama and four others receive the Zenkoren Japan Advertising Award, the first All Japan Advertising Federation convention in 42 years in Tokyo: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web

The 72nd conference of the All Japan Advertising Federation (Zenkoren), which is made up of newspaper, broadcast, and advertising companies, was held on the 15th at the Imperial Hotel Tokyo in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo. Approximately 900 people from the federation participated under the theme of “Let's connect for advertising.” This is the 11th time the event has been held in Tokyo, the first time in 42 years.

◆The Grand Prize at the Regional Advertising Awards was won by the Uminonakamichi Marine Ecological Science Museum commercial.

Winners of the 3rd Saburosuke Suzuki Zenkoren Regional Advertising Award pose for a commemorative photo

Chairman Akira Ohira said, “Right now is the time when we need the power of advertising. Advertisements that move people's hearts will play an important role in stimulating consumption, creating new demand, and realizing a virtuous cycle of growth and distribution.'' From now on, we must accomplish this,” he said in greeting.

The Grand Prize and the Film/Audio Category Award at the 3rd Saburosuke Suzuki Regional Advertising Awards, which recognize advertising activities that have contributed to regional revitalization, were awarded to the Uminonakamichi Marine Ecological Science Museum's “Sea Urchin Ball''. Three commercials were selected, including “Joint Edition”.

The 12th Zenkoren Japan Advertising Award, which honors companies, advertisers, and creators who have contributed to the development and improvement of the advertising world, was presented to four people, including Kirin Holdings Chairman Yosunori Isozaki and the late photographer Kishin Shinoyama. .

On the 15th, the Tokyo Shimbun featured an advertisement commemorating the tournament, and copies of the advertisement were distributed at the venue. The next event will be held in Fukui City. (Yamashita Hazuki)


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