What does Outbrain's new product, Onyx by Outbrain™, deliver on what advertisers are really looking for? (DIGIDAY[Japanese version]) – Yahoo! News

What does Outbrain's new product, Onyx by Outbrain™, deliver on what advertisers are really looking for?

Against this backdrop, Outbrain, the world's leading technology platform company on the open web, announced on November 16, 2023 a new product, “Onyx by Outbrain™” (hereinafter referred to as Onyx). Onyx is a display advertising and video advertising platform that emphasizes branding effects through attention, and utilizes a wide range of data on user interests, behaviors, etc. that the company has accumulated over 15 years. The solution is said to be powered by AI technology. Up until now, Outbrain's strength has been mainly in providing performance advertising for the middle to lower funnel, but what is the background behind developing a product for branding, that is, for the upper funnel? We spoke with Ayal Steiner, EVP (Executive Vice President of Brand Solutions) of the company, about the concept of attention, which is the strength of the new product, and the current state of the digital advertising market. ◆ ◆ ◆

──What kind of service is Onyx?


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