Will the recovery trend of the “human resources industry” continue in 23 years? | Special | Toyo Keizai Online

We consider various risks and verify the best and worst scenarios for each industry. Excerpt from the industry and company part of the special feature “2023 Big Forecast”.

A puzzle with a human icon printed on each piece

What will happen to the recruitment environment in 2023? (Photo: tadamichi / PIXTA)

Read other articles in the special feature “2023 Big Forecast | Industry and Company Edition”

Ukraine, climate change, inflation… Where is the chaotic world headed? The December 24-31 issue of Weekly Toyo Keizai, which will be released on December 19, features a special feature on “2023 Major Forecasts” (Click here to purchase on Amazon). Thoroughly explains future developments and best and worst scenarios for 108 themes, from politics and economy in the world and Japan to industry and industry, sports and entertainment. This article is also included in this issue.

Frequent layoffs

Weekly Toyo Keizai 12/24-12/31, 2022[New Year merger special issue](2023 big prediction 108 themes completely clarify the era of chaos!)

“Weekly Toyo Keizai December 24-31, 2022[New Year Merger Extra Large Issue](2023 Great Forecast 108 Themes Completely Revealing the Age of Chaos!)” (Toyo Keizai Shinposha) Jump to site.

Since the second half of 2022, layoffs (temporary layoffs) originating in the US high-tech industry have occurred frequently. Even outside the high-tech industry, the demand for human resources, which had surged due to the local recovery from the corona crisis, has now calmed down.

Recruit Holdings (HD)’s global job search engine “Indeed” is also slowing down on a local currency basis in the United States and Europe.

“Although the labor market is still very tight (supply and demand), it is gradually leveling out. It remains unclear to what extent the current situation, in which policy interest rates are being raised at an unprecedented speed, will reduce hiring demand. is”. Hisayuki Idekoba, CEO of Recruit Holdings, said so at an interim financial results briefing in November.

Although these trends in the United States and Europe are worrisome, the Japanese human resources market is currently booming. The active job openings-to-applicants ratio in October 2022 is 1.35, and has continued to rise moderately over the past year. The performance of each company that develops job advertisements, recruitment, and temporary staffing is also trending back.


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