Billboard Japan abolishes ranking tally from Twitter Will there be a decrease in posts for chart manipulation purposes?(! News

and Twitter index used for ranking aggregation on each chart after December 7 (Wednesday).

[Image]Transition of Billboard JAPAN ranking tally

* Lookup index: The number of times access to the “Gracenote Media Database” is accessed, such as when importing CD sound sources to a computer. Regarding the reason for abolishing the aggregation, Billboard JAPAN explained that it has become impossible to continue the same data aggregation in the future due to the circumstances of the data provider regarding the lookup index. Regarding the Twitter index, the purpose was to measure the effect of media exposure other than radio, but he explained that “it has become possible to sufficiently measure the effect with other indexes.”

Billboard JAPAN is a music chart launched in 2008 as the Japanese version of Billboard, America’s most authoritative music chart. Not only the number of CD sales, the number of downloads, and the number of streams, but also the number of video playbacks, the number of karaoke songs, etc. are multiplied by a unique coefficient and added up. Calculated as a comprehensive song chart. Compared to single sales rankings that tend to fluctuate based on non-musical added value, such as merchandise and handshake tickets, Billboard charts are created from multiple perspectives and have been evaluated as being more “musical”. In addition, we have introduced new indicators and revised coefficients in line with the changing times. As a mirror that reflects the times, it has become an indispensable presence when talking about the music scene.

The Twitter index was also mentioned in an interview conducted by Billboard JAPAN published on in August. Prior to the home country of the United States, Billboard JAPAN introduced Twitter indicators from 2013 as user reaction data. In the background, there are fewer radio stations in Japan (compared to the United States), so it is said that there was a purpose to compensate for the lack of musical reactions. Regarding the counting method of the Twitter index, it was announced that tweets with both the artist name and the song title are included in the aggregation. However, on Twitter, you can use hashtags regardless of the content of the tweet, or you can tweet with only words. Especially in recent years, there has been a growing trend of consciously tweeting song names and artist names in order to get the artists they support to enter the charts. As a result, when searching for the song title on Twitter, there were some posts that could only be perceived as noise or spam.


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