SDGs, a common goal of the world. However, the achievement of the goal has become difficult due to the Korona-ka and the Ukrainian war. Japan still has big challenges.
Japan is moving to achieve the goals of the SDGs as a whole country, but still has many issues (Photo: Mainichi Newspapers / Afro)
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Japan’s achievement of SDGs is 19th in the world. The ranking was lowered by one from the previous year. The “Sustainable Development Report 2022” released in June 2022 highlights the current situation in which Japan remains a major challenge in achieving the SDGs.
The report is published annually by the International Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), an international research organization that works with the United Nations. Based on statistical data from the United Nations and research institutes, each country’s efforts toward SDGs are evaluated on a scale of 100 points, and are also published as country rankings.
Finland ranks first among 163 countries.
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