Category: Classified Ads News in Japan

Aug 20
Strong popularity of gasoline cars in Southeast Africa – Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Strong popularity of gasoline vehicles in Southeast Africa  Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Aug 19
[Received the 2022 Japan BtoB Advertising Award]A salesperson directly interviewed a town factory in Tokai.

[Received the 2022 Japan BtoB Advertising Award]A salesperson directly interviewed a…

Aug 19
Japanese payment service aiming to revive Taiwan inbound[Junya Suzuki’s Pay Attention]-Impress Watch

I visited Jiufen, a popular tourist destination for Japanese people, in 2019 It has…

Aug 19
Musk asks ad tech firm to provide data over Twitter lawsuit – The Straits Times

Musk asks ad tech firm for data over Twitter lawsuit  Newsweek Japan

Aug 19
Sake “Hanagaki” × popular manga – Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Sake “Hanagaki” × popular manga  Nihon Keizai Shimbun