[Switch Media Online Seminar]”Visualizing Nippon Television's program value with data ~ Proposing programs that will improve business results in line with advertisers ~” An online seminar jointly hosted by Nippon Television and Switch Media will be held on April 23rd (Tuesday) | NEWSCAST

Switch Media Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Shunji Takayama, hereinafter referred to as “Switch Media”), which provides the cloud-based TV commercial placement analysis service “TVAL”, will conduct an online seminar “Nippon TV Programs”. “Visualizing Value with Data – Proposing programs that will improve business results in line with advertisers” will be held on April 23rd (Tuesday). (Application URL:https://switch-m.satori.site/semi_20240423 )

In order to achieve results with TV commercials, it is not enough to just run a lot of TV commercials, but it is necessary to carefully plan everything from time and spot placement format to the amount of ads and program slots in line with the purpose of the commercial.
Nippon Television is promoting the use of data throughout the company in order to contribute to the business results of advertiser companies.
In this seminar, we will invite Mr. Tachiki and Mr. Takahashi from the Nippon Television Sales Department, and they will talk about what kind of proposals they make to advertising companies using data, based on specific examples.

If you are considering submitting an article in the future or have questions about the current method of submitting an article, please join us.
● People who are having trouble getting the desired results from TV commercials.
● People who decide on advertising plans based on past experience and budget
● People who are working on improving investment efficiency in the marketing field.

Seminar overview

Date and time: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 15:00 – 16:00
Reception start time: 14:55
Participation fee: Free
Venue: Online
Application URL: https://switch-m.satori.site/semi_20240423
Target audience: Advertiser companies that are/may be involved in advertising, marketing, brand strategy, and management strategy.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but this seminar is not open to those who have not entered their company name, individuals, research companies, and companies with services that measure the effectiveness of TV commercials.


Nippon Television Broadcasting Network Co., Ltd.
Sales Department Sales Strategy Center Sales Promotion Department Chief Natsumi Tachiki
Nippon Television Broadcasting Network Co., Ltd.
Sales Department General Sales Center Deputy Chief Yasushi Takahashi
Switch Media Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer, Business Development Department Manager Ryosuke Maeda


・Company/business introduction
・ Things you should know about how to use TV
・ Nippon Television's proposals to improve business results
· Question-and-answer session
*Program is subject to change.

About switch media

Switch Media Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Shunji Takayama) has the strength of possessing TV viewing data uniquely collected from Japan's largest TV viewing panel. Development and development of “TVAL”, a cloud-based TV commercial placement analysis service that narrows down targets based on information, analyzes the relationship between TV commercial viewing and product purchases, and connects it to sales, and “TVAL now”, which shows viewer ratings for currently airing TV programs. We are operating.

Company name: Switch Media Co., Ltd.
Representative: Shunji Takayama, Representative Director and President
Business details: Development and provision of “TVAL”, a cloud-based TV commercial placement analysis service, and “TVAL now”, which allows you to see the viewership ratings of currently airing TV programs
Switch media:https://www.switch-m.com/
TVAL now:https://tval-now.switch-m.com/


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