2021 Japan’s total advertising spending will increase 10.4%, surpassing 4 media media for the Internet-Data says: Nikkei Cross-Tech Active

Source: Nikkei Computer, March 31, 2022, p.18
(Articles are based on information at the time of writing and may differ now)


(Source: Dentsu

(Source: Dentsu “Advertising Expenses in Japan in 2021”, February 24, 2022)


According to “Advertising Expenses in Japan in 2021” compiled by Dentsu, “Internet Advertising Expenses” exceeded the total advertising expenses of “4 media” of TV, newspapers, magazines and radio for the first time. It is said that the demand for video advertising is increasing remarkably mainly in the video system for online advertising, and the expansion of the use of digital promotion also contributed to the growth of the market.

In 2021, online advertising expenses increased by 21.4% from the previous year to 2,0705.2 billion yen, accounting for 39.8% of the total advertising expenses. Advertising costs on EC (electronic commerce) platforms increased 23.5% year-on-year to 163.1 billion yen, and demand for nest-filled consumption contributed to the expansion of online advertising. In addition, advertising expenses for Internet services provided by four media operators were 106.1 billion yen, an increase of 32.1% from the previous year.

Advertising costs for the four media media themselves increased 8.9% year-on-year to 2,453.8 billion yen, accounting for 36.1% of total advertising costs. Television was up 11.1%, newspapers were up 3.4%, magazines were up 0.1%, and radio was up 3.8%. However, this is a big reaction from 2020 when the market has dropped significantly due to the influence of the new coronavirus, and all four media have decreased compared to 2019.

“Promotional media advertising expenses” such as events, exhibitions, videos and direct mail decreased by 2.1% to 1,640.8 billion yen, accounting for 24.1% of the total advertising expenses. Although various events and traditional advertising promotion campaigns, including the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, were gradually resumed, the impact of the new Corona continued to be significant and decreased throughout the year.

As a result, total advertising expenses in 2021 increased 10.4% year on year to 6,799.8 billion yen.


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