“It is the responsibility of agencies and all publishers to provide a better advertising experience.”: Yosuke Tsutsumi, Executive Officer of OPT Solutions Sales Division and Advertising Strategy and Communications Division (DIGIDAY[Japan Edition])

“It is the responsibility of agencies and all publishing media to provide a better advertising experience”: Yosuke Tsutsumi, Executive Officer of OPT Solutions Sales Division and Advertising Strategy and Communications Division

Tsutsumi said, “Branding-based advertisers and performance-based advertisers have very different values ​​depending on the KPIs they set,” and analyzed, “Because their needs and sense of issues are also different, unilaterally imposing one side’s ideas will not change the situation.” So where is the solution? “If you are obsessed with superficial KPIs, it may not ultimately lead to profits for the customer,” he explained. We asked Tsutsumi about the current state of digital advertising and how agencies view the issues. ◆ ◆ ◆ Tsutsumi Yosuke / OPT Inc. Solution Sales Headquarters and Advertising Strategy and Communication Headquarters Executive Officer. Joined OPT Inc. in 2007. After working in sales mainly in the financial industry, he became the head of sales in 2012. After that, he became the head of sales for the real estate, entertainment, and travel industries, and the head of sales, creative, and communication design in the brand area, before becoming an executive officer in the sales management area in January 2021. He has held his current position since April 2024.

──What do you think are the current challenges facing digital advertising in the Japanese market, and how do you view them?


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