Yorimae[Board Status]Order Ranking[Top Buy]Nippon Micro[Top Sell]A Balance [08:33] | Special News – Stock Search News

Nippon Micro From “Stock Search” multi-functional chart

Information based on orders[board status]before arriving | As of February 15th 8:33:10
(For 4234 stocks listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange)[ETF、REIT含む])

“Buy order ranking'' is a list of stocks whose pre-market price is 3% or more higher than the previous day in order of purchase order amount. The “Sell Order Ranking” also lists stocks with a decline of 3% or more compared to the previous day in descending order of sell order amount.

■ Top 30 stocks in terms of buy order amount[前日比+3%以上]*Unit: Number of shares: 1 share, amount: 10,000 yen
Indicative price Change from previous day (ratio) Number of shares sold (amount) Number of shares bought (amount)
Japan Micro <6871>5,280 +700 (+15.3%) 69,200 (36,537) 347,600 (183,532)
Segue G <3968> 1,412 +300 (+27.0%) 44,700 (6,311) 1,260,400 (177,968)
GNI <2160>3,035+500 (+19.7%) 133,200 (40,426) 575,500 (174,664)
Screen <7735> 18,830+555 (+3.0%) 90,600 (170,599) 90,900 (171,164)
Sanrio <8136>7,826+1,000 (+14.6%) 95,000 (74,347) 188,100 (147,207)
Mitsui E&S <7003>956+150 (+18.6%) 326,600 (31,222) 1,500,500 (143,447)
F Code <9211>3,710+700 (+23.3%) 15,700 ( 5,824) 253,500 ( 94,048)
Tokio Marine <8766>4,297+172 (+4.2%) 198,400 (85,272) 196,800 (84,564)
Nikkei Bull 2 ​​<1579>33,430+4,755 (+16.6%) 22,750 ( 76,076) 22,680 ( 75,819)
Lilycolor <9827>602+100 (+19.9%) 55,200 (3,323) 1,168,500 (70,343)
QPS Institute <5595>3,585+440 (+14.0%) 165,100 ( 59,270) 164,800 ( 59,080)
Recruit <6098>6,229+198 (+3.3%) 93,200 (58,063) 90,800 (56,559)
Itoki <7972> 1,899+132 (+7.5%) 320,200 (60,838) 294,700 (55,963)
Kokusaiele <6525>4,990+230 (+4.8%) 122,700 (61,288) 101,600 (50,698)
GX Semiconductor Nippon Stock <2644>5,400+705 (+15.0%) 76,245 ( 41,172) 91,853 ( 49,600)
Hirano Tech <6245>2,120+400 (+23.3%) 31,300 (6,635) 217,900 (46,194)
Parksha <3993>5,120+675 (+15.2%) 91,200 (46,785) 89,700 (45,926)
Cyber ​​Buzz <7069> 2,020+400 (+24.7%) 25,500 ( 5,151) 214,300 ( 43,288)
Kubota <6326>2,220+89.5 ( +4.2%) 165,600 ( 36,771) 165,800 ( 36,807)
Ibis <9343>2,775+500 (+22.0%) 49,400 (13,708) 128,800 (35,742)
InfoR <9338>5,180+690 (+15.4%) 96,700 (50,187) 66,500 (34,447)
Namurazo <7014> 1,498+80 (+5.6%) 246,000 (36,875) 224,900 (33,690)
SGHD <9143>2,129.5+265 (+14.2%) 150,500 ( 32,056) 150,200 ( 31,985)
SOMPO <8630>8,399+288 (+3.6%) 38,000 (31,920) 36,600 (30,740)
Appier <4180>2,000+140 (+7.5%) 142,900 (28,594) 146,600 (29,320)
Yamami <2820>4,450+700 (+18.7%) 10,700 (4,761) 62,800 (27,946)
Mitsui Marine <6269> 2,735+499 (+22.3%) 99,300 (27,168) 93,900 (25,681)
esol <4420>673+100 (+17.5%) 28,200 (1,897) 312,800 (21,051)
Veritas <130A>3,395+220 (+6.9%) 67,400 (22,916) 61,900 (21,015)
Integral <5842>4,140+440 (+11.9%) 49,700 (20,575) 49,700 (20,575)

■ Ranking of sell order amount Top 20 stocks[前日比-3%以上]*Unit: Number of shares: 1 share, amount: 10,000 yen
Indicative price Change from previous day (ratio) Number of shares sold (amount) Number of shares bought (amount)
A balance <3856> 1,955 -500 (-20.4%) 396,200 (77,457) 107,100 (20,938)
SUMCO <3436> 2,174-104 ( -4.6%) 291,700 ( 63,415) 291,700 ( 63,415)
Takara Rito <3492>95,400-8,100 ( -7.8%) 4,328 ( 41,289) 4,334 ( 41,303)
Komehyo HD <2780>3,565-480 (-11.9%) 84,100 (29,981) 86,000 (30,616)
Hallows <2742>4,000-225 ( -5.3%) 74,000 ( 29,600) 74,800 ( 29,882)
ACSL <6232>726-150 (-17.1%) 393,600 (28,575) 72,200 (5,241)
Starting lineup <4019>637-150 (-19.1%) 438,600 (27,938) 24,500 (1,560)
Mon Lab <5255>234-80 (-25.5%) 1,057,300 (24,740) 117,200 (2,742)
Bannum HD <7832>2,970-148 ( -4.7%) 82,800 ( 24,591) 82,700 ( 24,561)
Aviation electronics <6807>2,550-300 (-10.5%) 84,200 (21,471) 79,500 (20,264)
Care Net <2150>560-150 (-21.1%) 323,700 (18,127) 140,500 (7,868)
SK Elle <6677> 2,902-358 (-11.0%) 58,100 ( 16,860) 58,500 ( 16,970)
Ami-ya <4258>2,058-500 (-19.5%) 80,300 (16,525) 16,500 (3,395)
Zenhoren <5845>817-299 (-26.8%) 165,400 ( 13,513) 191,900 ( 15,659)
Baltes HD <4442>610-150 (-19.7%) 217,800 (13,285) 56,600 (3,452)
CANBAS <4575>351-149 (-29.8%) 364,300 (12,786) 371,400 (12,999)
Toei Anime <4816> 17,610-950 ( -5.1%) 6,400 ( 11,270) 6,500 ( 11,440)
Japan Hospice <7061> 1,881-102 ( -5.1%) 59,600 ( 11,210) 61,700 ( 11,599)
HENNGE <4475> 1,601-one two three ( -7.1%) 68,300 ( 10,934) 70,800 ( 11,328)
H-One <5989>711-150 (-17.4%) 148,500 (10,558) 40,800 (2,900)

*This article was written before I arrived.[8時33分10秒現在]It is created based on the order[board status]. This stage may include counterfeit orders (bogus orders intended to induce third-party transactions). Additionally, orders from professional investors such as institutional investors and securities dealers begin to arrive in earnest from 8:55 onwards, and the order status may change significantly.

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